We all have goals, but it’s important to ask yourself ‘why?’ Why do you want to lose that 8lbs? To eat healthier or get stronger at squatting (my current goal)? Or to get that promotion at work? You maybe struggle to explain your why, therefore it’s likely you haven’t fully uncovered it.

Dig deep! You have to discover the real source behind your motivation, your true ‘why’. This is what will ignite the fire inside of you, get you out of bed every morning, stop you going to bed at night unless you have moved another step closer to achieving your goal/why.

Block out some “Me-time” and put a lot of thought into this.

What is YOUR why?

Look through social media, search the Internet or even look at magazines and see what appeals to you and consider making a vision board (I have one of these and it changes monthly/daily sometimes depending on how my life is moving forward) which can help reveal some deep desires and why’s to you.

Do some soul searching and get serious in your thinking.
* Is it for health?
* To feel on top of the world daily?
* For more energy or strength?
* To be active for your children?
* There is no wrong “why”, it just needs to have great meaning and be personal to YOU!

Thinking about this though, you can’t take somebody else’s why and make it yours. It does not matter that your friends, partner, family or doctor, etc, think something should be important to you.

YOU have to make it important to YOU!

Once you dig deep to find what your “why” is, it changes and drives you (like me doing my competition last year, it had to be a big ‘why’, because when I started getting deep in to my prep, it was tough not only physically but mentally and it was my ‘why’ that kept me going right until then end, even when I broke my foot)

All of a sudden you will start find those solutions to the problems or hurdles you were creating, like not having time, motivation, etc. You start to take action and make things happen — all because you found out what drives you. Now you have found your why.

Discovering your WHY is the most important step to changing, as it gets your mindset right. It is one of the first things I ask my clients upon our first meeting because once they find there “why” and their mind is focused, they and YOU cannot and will not be stopped!

When your mind is active and focused on positive things, you WILL get positive results the exact same way an unsure and unfocused mind gets poor results.

If you are ready to make a change and find the answer to whatever your dilemma may be (no time, lack of motivation, etc.), FIND YOUR WHY …and the answer will come to you.

Enjoy finding your why and go create that vision board! It is one of the best things I ever did. It gave me focus and clarity over why I do things on a daily basis 🙂

Little task for you below.

Try asking yourself ‘why’ you are setting a particular goal…

I want to lose 1 stone, ok why?
To feel better in my clothes, why?
Etc, etc continue this for 7 questions/answers and I can assure you, you will be closer to your why after the 7th question than you truly were after just asking yourself ‘why?’ once.

#mondaymotivation #goalsetting #findingyourwhy
