Be the ? not the ?
When you’re consistent, that creates momentum. That momentum creates progress. The progress creates self-confidence. The self-confidence starts shaping a new, more resourceful and empowering identity. And with this new identity comes the ability to create lasting changes in your life. ?
The Hare Mindset ?
These days, most people try to live like the Hare wanting things to go FAST.
And when you think about the contemporary obsession with immediate results and instant gratification you’re being sold every day, this makes perfect sense. But the truth is lasting change doesn’t happen overnight. And that is why I suggest you change your approach.
The Tortoise Mindset ?
For the most part, the results you’re looking for will rarely come quickly. But they won’t take that long, either. In my experience (above pictures 2014-2018), they tend to take just a little bit longer than we’re comfortable going for.
Exercising for one hour three times a week for a month will show very little, if any, results. So what if, instead of obsessing over, and very likely getting discouraged by, the short-term results, you focused on just taking the next tiny step in the right direction?
Let’s look at a year, by exercising for one hour three times a week, you would have 150+ hours of exercise under your belt. More than enough to have a huge impact on your health and appearance.??
It’s not your speed, but your consistency that makes all the difference:
“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” — Confucius??
Are you ready to start 2019 with the right mindset??
Get in touch for online or 1-2-1 coaching Volt Gym @ Volt Gym
