When you hear the words ‘active rest‘ you’re instantly confused right?!? ? I know I was when I first started training. Basically you want to keep your body moving in some shape or form, but not cause any injury and still have the satisfaction of ‘doing’.
Last week I took an active rest week, which was strange for me to do (anyone who truly knows me knows that I am always busy doing something or going somewhere, I struggle to sit still). I like to get my sessions in, train hard and continue to push numbers each session, which is not always possible or optimal and my body sure as hell let me know so two weeks ago.?
I just focused on eating when hungry (not tracking macros), walking when I wanted to (not aiming for daily steps), training to get a good pump on (looking massive) and not focusing on hitting any crazy PR’s. Oh and also sitting on my backside and watching a film or two on Netflix!??
Rest days are important for muscle recovery and growth and let’s face it who doesn’t want to grow! ? Your body needs sleep, water, proper nutrition, and rest to regain the energy to be fully recharged to continue with your progression.
Taking the time to actively rest has allowed me to be less focused on my body composition and more about how I feel from the inside out. I have been able to really enjoy time with friends and family. My passion is to lift heavy sh*t and when you can’t go in and do that due to being so beat up it really starts to affect your mental state of mind. Something again which we take for granted. It was not a nice feeling to feel so burnt out and not in control of my own emotions.?
Today was a test to myself as I’m still buzzing after starting my new training block this week. However I continued to listen to my body & took the rest day that (well mainly my glutes ?) it needed.
My body is now feeling pretty good and I’m super excited to see what progressions can be made. Time to get mahoosive!??