? What an EPIC day for an epic walk! ?
So one of my clients Kayleigh is an amazing ultra runner and we got chatting about one of her up coming events, an epic walk (there was no way I was running it) in the lake District doing 5 Wainwrights (I didn’t even know what one of these was ?)
I agreed to sign up to do it. ? I’m fit, I go for walks, I love the outdoors, I love a good view and mountain climb. I got this ??
We set off around 7am after a full kit list check, including my whistle, head torch, bivvy bag (again no idea ????? had to borrow one) by this point I was pretty nervous and the butterflies had already began fluttering in my tummy. ‘What have I got myself into’
We parked up got our coats and back packs on and began our march (there was no walking happening) we made it to the bottom of our first climb in 38 mins, this was good going apparently. As we began our climb I instantly felt the anxiety and doubt in my own ability kick in, this was tough and we had a least another 7 hours to go!
‘I can’t do this, my head started telling my body’
‘Theres not a chance my legs will keep me going for the next 7 hours’
Before I knew it we were stood at the top of our first ‘Wainwright’ Cat Bells WOW! ?
Quick (10mins max) grab of a drink and some food and we were off again, we could see our next summit Maiden Moor and it was even higher! I had a word with myself and continued to put one foot in front of the other (wise words from Dave the main man!)
Head down and off we went. I do think I missed half of the amazing views and lack of wildlife (honestly there was none!) due to fear of falling over ? Another hour had passed and as we climbed the 3rd mountain High Sty (all before lunch), my body had sucked it up a bit, these climbs were nowhere as tough as the first. Time to refuel again and off we went. Next was the brew stop!
‘These people are machines, give me a max squat any day’
The one had been joked about since the beginning, ‘The Climb’ the hardest part, honestly it was all hard. No path, there was initially a scramble up the side and then just as we thought we’d turned the corner, it was a false summit!!! Hopes were dashed and I had to dig seriously deep to put one foot in front of the other Ashely was so sympathetic, where she told me to stop moaning, “you’re talking so it can’t be that bad ?”
As we started decesending down to our next stop ??? this was the main incentive and Ashley gave us all a giggle, after complaining (her turn to moan! A lot!) about her sore knees most of the way down, took off fell running ???? to the bottom! It’s amazing what a piece of cake and a brew will make you do ?
My feet, bum, hips and knees were loving the rest (again only a 20-25 minute one) After taking painkillers and spraying the worst parts of our body we packed up and set off again. I think my body would have easily had stopped there and gone home but not a chance we still had around another 4 hrs to go.
This next part was more of a trail so not as intense of a climb but equally we kept moving at a good pace… It was lovely to chat to some of the others involved in the group who actually train and prep for days like this (maybe I should have too ?, full on appreciation to what these people do) It was so liberating listening to how and why they do days and weekends like this and what goals they’ve got in place. Some are preparing for a 50 mile and my client is preparing for a 100 mile run!!!!!!
We arrived at an ‘extra’ climb, which sensibly and not my ‘Karla can do anything mentality I listened to my legs and I sat this one out. The 30 minutes extra rest was very welcomed as by this point we’d been going for over 5hrs, I had very sore glutes and hips and very soggy (yea my boots leaked) feet.
We then headed off on the final couple of stretches, the hike back was nowhere near as intense. It was mainly downhill and then even some road walking, walking along the bottom of the mountain we’d started off at and the the stunning Derwent water next to us.
What an epic day! 5 Wainwrights, 19 miles, only sheep ?? for wildlife, lots of food, moaning, giggles and a well earned pint at the end! Pretty amazing day all in all! Thank you so much to The Yellow Army ?