Who do you identify yourself as?
Do you say a lot of ‘I AM’ stressed, anxious, guilty, hopeless, fat, not worthy, whatever ? you are telling yourself. If you constantly say ‘I AM’ these negative states you are programming your VERY clear subconscious mind to output this reality for you. Your mind doesn’t hear what you want when you contradict yourself with your thoughts.
Where did this identify come from? You weren’t born this way. Who are you comparing yourself to? Who told you you are —?
Often we take on the identity that others give us. Parent’s teachers, doctors etc. Just because we don’t fit into the box that is expected of us we get a label & voila that is who we become.
Add in comparisonitis & we have no chance.
I was told throughout life I was too emotional, too intense, too sensitive, ‘you are behaving like a child’, told I would never get anywhere in life as I talked too much, was erratic, amongst other things. This made me bury the real me & build brick walls as high as the sky & not allow anyone to get to know the real me. I felt like ‘I’ wasn’t good enough.
Then the most damaging label of all was ‘mentally ill’, we’d like to put you on antidepressants as you aren’t coping. You need help, you’re sick in the head! I was dealing with a lot & had been very poorly, where I dropped over 2 stone in weight in just over 16 days. I was in need of support, love, encouragement & a blooming big hug. I didn’t need to be told I was ‘sick in the head!’
Why do we take on these identities given to us by others and allow it to become who we are?
I want you to know that the story you keep telling yourself is, a bull? story that you CAN change.
Where does your belief of who you are come from?
You are worthy, beautiful, gorgeous, PERFECT! Just the way you are!
DO NOT hide your gorgeousness to please others! Consciously contradict the negative self talk. YOU determine your identity. You can be WHOEVER you want to be.
I have transformed myself not only physically but mentally, over the last 8 years, once i’d decided to allow, one brick at a time of my wall to be knocked down. Nourish your mind & the body will follow.
Happiness shines from the inside!??
